8:00 AM -10:00 AM Mysore A personalized form of learning and teaching the Ashtanga Yoga system. Instruction is customized to where the student is regarding factors such as physical health, age, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance are taken into consideration. Mysore classes differs from private instruction in the ratio of students to teacher. In Mysore class, you will learn and practice the method of Ashtanga Yoga in a dedicated space for Mysore classes. You’ll join other students learning to cultivate the skill of self-practice and grasp specific details of the Ashtanga System. $40 Saturday
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Air Time: Handstand + Forearm Balance + Headstand Variations: Learning handstand, forearm balance and headstand takes time and a bit of strength. Learn how to safely learn and grow in handstands and forearm balances. Once you’ve warmed up and refined the basics, you’ll learn to transition more confidently and gracefully into a handstand, forearm balance, and headstand. You’ll go up with one leg, two legs and lay the foundation for “pressing” into these poses. If you’re stuck or scared of handstands and going upside down, Krista will help you build strength and confidence for these postures with a step-by-step approach that you can do on your own at the wall! Just in case things get ugly, you’ll learn how to safely fall out of these poses without hurting yourself or impaling your neighbor. 2 hours. Saturday
2 - 4 PM Introduction to the 8 Limbs: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali refers to 8 limbs of yoga, each of which offers guidance on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. In this session we will explore the 8 limbs in depth and learn how to incorporate them into your practice and daily life. 2 hours |
Full Day: $135
Single Workshop: $60
Mysore: $40
2020 Crosby Way, Winter Park, Florida 32792
Street Parking & Crosby Wellness Garage
2020 Crosby Way, Winter Park, Florida 32792
Street Parking & Crosby Wellness Garage