7:00 AM -9:00 AM New Moon Meditation & Journaling: January 13th is the New Moon in Capricorn. It’s a magical time for new beginnings, setting goals, starting new projects and quieting the mind to sit with the powerful energies in the sky. We will start the day’s workshop discussing the New Moon in Capricorn and the qualities and traits of the sign of Capricorn. Then we will explore how these energies affect us all and what we can do to better align ourselves with this incredibly powerful energy. We will devote some time to journaling and setting some intentions for the coming month. We will also spend time dream casting. And then we will move onto a lecture on meditation. Meditation is one of Krista’s passions and something she loves to share with students from all yogic traditions. Come sit with Krista and learn some of her favorite meditation techniques, tips and tools to start, cultivate, or deepen your seated practice. Krista will lecture on some of the benefits to creating a seated practice, provide viable tips to help you start and maintain a seated practice and inspire you to make the time in your busy schedule. She will also devote time to answer questions. And of course we will do a guided meditation on the new moon. 2 hours Saturday
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Pranayama: Spend several hours with Krista learning how to incorporate pranayama into your life, which benefit our moods, our bodies, and our Yoga practice. This session will help us better under- stand our breath, which is the most vital process in the entire body, for it is the link to all aspects of our human experience. Pranayama practice helps us to learn how to deepen our control of the breath, which enables the practitioner to control prana (energy). The control of prana through control over breath is Pranayama, and consistent practice will open the door to our ability to control the body, mind, and soul. We will end our session with seated meditation practice, exploring ways to calm and quiet the mind and body. Suitable for all levels. 2 hours. Saturday
12 - 2 PM TIA: Discover the TIA Method: A Daily Practice for Finding Radical Joy! Shift your life through a transformative practice of thanks, intention & asking. The TIA Method (thank-intend-ask) is a daily practice for seeing more of the goodness around us, and in us. This “method” is not a trick or a wish or a vague hope, but a dedicated practice to help us experience the extraordinary beauty of the world. The three-pronged TIA Method combines gratitude with clarity of intentions and surrendering problems to higher intelligence. Together, they offer skillful means for cultivating the life we want to live — one of joy, grace, purpose, and equanimity. Workshop participants will be given their own copy of Lezlie’s TIA Journal, a beautiful and inspirational 90-day tool to help modern seekers tap into ancient wisdom. |
Full Day: $160
Single Workshop: $60
230 Benmore Drive, Winter Park, Florida 32792
On Site & Street Parking
230 Benmore Drive, Winter Park, Florida 32792
On Site & Street Parking