8:00 AM -10:00 AM Mysore A personalized form of learning and teaching the Ashtanga Yoga system. Instruction is customized to where the student is regarding factors such as physical health, age, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance are taken into consideration. Mysore classes differs from private instruction in the ratio of students to teacher. In Mysore class, you will learn and practice the method of Ashtanga Yoga in a dedicated space for Mysore classes. You’ll join other students learning to cultivate the skill of self-practice and grasp specific details of the Ashtanga System. $40 Saturday
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Milestones of the Primary Series: Spend the afternoon with Krista breaking down the asanas of the primary. Learn the correct form and purpose of each posture in the primary series. Students will also learn lots of tips on how to work toward mastery of some of the more difficult postures such as Marichyasana B and D, Bhujapidasana, and Supta Kurmasana. This session will help you in your efforts to master Yoga Chikitsa. Educational and eye opening for students of all levels! Will begin and end with chanting. 2 hours. $60 Saturday
2 - 4 PM Deconstruction Before Reconstruction: Intended for students with a daily practice. We go through phases in our practice...In the beginning it feels good, and we feel good for doing the practice. But as you get deeper into your practice the honeymoon phase ends as you start to uncover deep seated physical and emotional blockages. These blockages must be dealt with in order for us to let go of that baggage we hold deep within our bodies and minds. This can be extremely uncomfortable both physically and mentally and this is often the point where people either choose to face themselves and dig deep, keep practicing but on a very surface level, or walk away from yoga altogether. In this workshop we will learn how to deal with the discomfort we face in our yoga asana practice. Muscles and bones and nerves, emotional scares and fears and hurts....They all come to the surface with daily asana practice. Join Krista in a discussion about deconstruction before reconstruction. Suitable for all levels. 2 hours. $60 |
Full Day: $135
Single Workshop: $60
Mysore: $40
2020 Crosby Way, Winter Park, Florida 32792
Street Parking & Crosby Wellness Garage
2020 Crosby Way, Winter Park, Florida 32792
Street Parking & Crosby Wellness Garage