8:00 AM -10:00 AM Mysore A personalized form of learning and teaching the Ashtanga Yoga system. Instruction is customized to where the student is regarding factors such as physical health, age, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance are taken into consideration. Mysore classes differs from private instruction in the ratio of students to teacher. In Mysore class, you will learn and practice the method of Ashtanga Yoga in a dedicated space for Mysore classes. You’ll join other students learning to cultivate the skill of self-practice and grasp specific details of the Ashtanga System. Saturday
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes: A fun, eye opening, challenging and game changing workshop for practitioners from all styles of Yoga! Come laugh and sweat with Krista as she delves into the physical exploration of the body through Yoga asana. How we hold our bodies up, move our head, maintain posture (or not), walk, sit, move....determines so much of how we feel in the body in which we live. Yoga practice alone does a great deal to improve posture, align the spine and musculature, our stance and more but that alone isn’t enough! Let’s look at how we can bring awareness, mindfulness and effort into how we live in and carry the body both ON and OFF the mat. Suitable for all levels. 2 hours.$60 Saturday
2 - 4 PM Leave Your Expectations at the Door: Let go of what you think you know and allow yourself to put faith and trust in your teacher and your daily yoga practice. Guruji always told us to practice, practice, practice and all will come. Let’s explore this concept, this truth! If we can find safety on our yoga mat, with our yoga teacher, and ourselves, the benefits can spill into all areas of our lives. Suitable for all levels. 2 hours $60 |
Full Day: $135
Single Workshop: $60
Mysore: $40
2020 Crosby Way, Winter Park, Florida 32792
Street Parking & Crosby Wellness Garage
2020 Crosby Way, Winter Park, Florida 32792
Street Parking & Crosby Wellness Garage