Ashtanga Yoga Workshop
November 17, 2024
The Yoga Shala offers monthly workshops designed to help students deepen their understanding and experience of Ashtanga Yoga. Each workshop provides an opportunity to explore key elements of the practice, refine techniques, and expand your knowledge in a supportive, hands-on environment. The Yoga Shala's Ashtanga focused workshops are led by Krista Shirley, a Level II Authorized Ashtanga Yoga Instructor and owner of The Yoga Shala. Whether you're new to Ashtanga or an experienced practitioner, our monthly workshops offer personalized guidance to enhance your practice and foster growth on and off the mat.
8:00 AM -10:00 AM
Mysore A personalized form of learning the Ashtanga Yoga system. Instruction is customized to where the student is regarding factors such as physical health, age, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance are taken into consideration. In Mysore class, you will learn and practice the method of Ashtanga Yoga in a supportive environment. You’ll join other students learning to cultivate the skill of self-practice and grasp specific details of the Ashtanga System.
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Air Time : Handstand + Forearm Balance + Headstand Variations Learn how to safely learn and grow in handstands and forearm balances. Once you’ve warmed up and refined the basics, you’ll learn to transition more confidently and gracefully into a handstand, forearm balance, and headstand. You’ll go up with one leg, two legs and lay the foundation for “pressing” into these poses. If you’re stuck or scared of handstands or going upside down, Krista will help you build strength and confidence for these postures with a step-by-step approach that you can do on your own at the wall!
1:00-3:00 PM
Opposition of Force - Standing Sequence Hands down one of the most valuable workshops you will ever attend! Every balance has a counter balance, every push has a pull, every extension a flex- ion. The Ashtanga Yoga practice is a full syllabus of opposing forces. Using the Ashtanga standing sequence postures we will break down each posture in order to see, feel, understand and apply the concept of opposition of force. A very physically challenging session, be prepared to break a sweat, shake, squirm and learn! Suitable for all levels but be prepared to work!