Sunday, September 15, 2024
8:00 AM -10:00 AM Mysore A personalized form of learning the Ashtanga Yoga system. Instruction is customized to where the student is regarding factors such as physical health, age, strength, flexibility, endurance and balance are taken into consideration. Mysore classes differs from private instruction in the ratio of students to teacher. In Mysore class, you will learn and practice the method of Ashtanga Yoga in a dedicated space for Mysore classes. You’ll join other students learning to cultivate the skill of self-practice and grasp specific details of the Ashtanga System. 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Understanding Your Spine in Space: VERY IMPORTANT SESSION. In this workshop we will look at the human spine, its purpose, how it moves, how to keep it healthy and happy through proper alignment on and off the mat. Then we will utilize Sun Salutations and other standing and seated postures as a case study for gaining mastery over how to move your spine through space, in order to improve your everyday postural awareness, proprioception, and yoga asana practice. This session is a must for anyone wanting to age gracefully, gain greater understanding of body mechanics or reduce pain in the body. 1:00-3:00 PM
BBD: Breath, Bandhas, Drishti: Deep breathing with sound gives us body and mind control. Bandhas are internal muscular and energetic centers, that, when activated and engaged pulls our attention within. Mastery of bandhas enable us to gain strength from the inside out, which, over time, gives us complete body control. Drishti’s are gaze points to direct our attention during asana practice. In order to successfully progress in our practice, we must understand the concepts and learn how to apply them in our asana practice. But how? Spend the afternoon with Krista exploring these invaluable concepts in depth, and learn how to apply them in the asanas of primary series. Serious work and some serious fun! Suitable for all levels. |