It all starts here
Our Foundational 200-hour Comprehensive Ashtanga Yoga Apprenticeship Program consist of anatomy, philosophy & ethics, methods & practicum, and asana immersion of Ashtanga yoga.
You'll learn how to correctly practice yoga postures, proper alignment and purpose of asanas, the history and lineage of Ashtanga yoga. You will leave the program with a deeper understanding of the light yoga can bring to the world.
You'll learn how to correctly practice yoga postures, proper alignment and purpose of asanas, the history and lineage of Ashtanga yoga. You will leave the program with a deeper understanding of the light yoga can bring to the world.
Now enrolling!
Ashtanga Apprenticeship
With Krista Shirley
This program is a one-on-one apprenticeship with Krista, in order to create an intimate learning environment. Students will meet with Krista over the course of five months. Students will also observe, and later, assist in adjustments and teaching at The Yoga Shala.
This program requires considerable energy, time, dedication, and commitment. You will leave with a thorough education, dedicated personal practice, heightened awareness, and an abundance of inspiration and passion!
Tuition is inclusive of your full course of study – lectures, workshops, classroom instruction, research assignments, guided and mentored class assists, and comprehensive Apprenticeship manual.
For details or questions, please e-mail [email protected]
Additional Information: The intention of this program is to educate students. Students who complete the 200-hour apprenticeship in its entirety will receive a certificate of completion issued by The Yoga Shala. Please note that this is not a teacher certification course. Only R. Sharath Jois of the Sharath Jois Yoga Centre in Mysore, India can grant students Authorization or Certification to teach Ashtanga Yoga.