Whole·ness /olótita/ (noun): the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity.
Ed·u·ca·tion /ejəˈkāSH(ə)n/ (noun): the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction.
Ed·u·ca·tion /ejəˈkāSH(ə)n/ (noun): the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction.
Using the wondrous powers of your neocortex, we can learn how to maximize our immune system’s ability to do its job by eradicating all controllable toxins from our life. The list is nearly endless: everything from the dryer sheets and cleaning products you use in your home, to your hair care and body care and face care products, to the foods you eat or supplements or medications you consume, or even the water and other beverages you drink. By managing these, you can naturally boost your immune system, unlike things we cannot control such as outside air quality, deforestation, global warming and the like. Don’t get the wrong idea: We can do something about larger issues such as these. We just aren’t well equipped to stand up to larger challenges until we first master the ones where we can more easily make positive change – those of the self.
Krista will impart her knowledge upon you, and guide you in self-study (Svādhyāya) of these fascinating life subjects in a slow and manageable way. You’ll learn more about the things you are ingesting, and putting on your skin, and in your hair, and on your clothes, and on your children. Is it a mystery why more people are diagnosed with auto-immune diseases and cancers than ever before? These diseases didn’t exist in antiquity. The daily war we really fight is with toxic pollutants: those that permeate the air we breathe, the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, the cleaners we use to wash our clothes and dishes and children. Don’t forget the chemically-derived medications we are prescribed, and consume, without any real understanding about how those chemicals affect our whole body.
While it can feel overwhelming and like a battle not worth fighting, consider otherwise. Recognize there are things in life you can control and others you cannot. Start with the low-hanging fruit, the things you can control. Krista will help identify these, and direct your own self-study of toxin-free living. It can be overwhelming and truly infuriating once you open Pandora’s box. The key is to go slow. One by one, learn about the things you already use and consume, and if they are good or bad and why, and how you can switch those for better, less toxic or, ideally, fully toxin-free choices. Over time you will learn all the things you do have control over and, with that knowledge, decide if you make changes to your current way of living, or make different choices more in alignment with your current goals and desires.
Wholeness Branches:
Essential Oils for Wholeness Support:
Enrollment and Tuition:
Wholeness Education sessions are conducted by private appointment and are offered in person at The Yoga Shala, or remote via zoom.
Single Session
$165/60min $225/90min In Person or Virtually |
5 Sessions (10% Discount)
$742/5x60min sessions $101.25/5x90min sessions In Person or Virtually |
10 Sessions (20% Discount)
$1,320/10x60min sessions $1800/10x90min sessions In Person or Virtually |
We offer a 20% discount for prepayment for a pack of 10 sessions ($330-$450 savings). A 10% discount is available for prepayment of a pack of 5 sessions ($82.50-$112.50 savings).