![]() Kino Macgregor is a fifth series Ashtanga yogi, Authorized Teacher, and Florida native. She has built a thriving Ashtanga community in her hometown of Miami, and devotes her life to sharing the limitless potential of the human spirit through the inner tradition of yoga. Known for her beautiful and dedicated practice, she combines traditional teachings with grace and modernity, inspiring over two million people through social media. Join us as we roll out our mats for two knowledge-packed workshops with Kino on Saturday, December 16th, and be ready for an energizing and revitalizing day. She is a powerhouse in the Ashtanga community, not only for her dedication to the practice, but also for her bold approach to helping others do the same. She has produced six Ashtanga Yoga DVDs, written four books, started a line of yoga products, filmed online yoga classes, taught in over 100 different cities all over the world, co-founded a yoga center on Miami Beach (Miami Life Center) and founded Miami Yoga Magazine. Her social media page is filled with motivation and inspiration and, with the approval of Guruji, she has dedicated herself to spreading Ashtanga yoga to as many people as she can. She writes in an article on Elephant Journal, "I want to share the message of yoga, authentic real, lineage based yoga, with as many people as possible. I want to be a bridge between the average person and the authentic experience that I’ve known in India with my teachers and the Ashtanga Yoga method." Her approach has caused controversy in the yoga world, as well as her desire to share yoga in such a public platform, but she makes no apologies for herself. She has spent eighteen years in the practice of Ashtanga, many of those years studying in Mysore, and is one of the select few whom were granted their Certification to teach Ashtanga yoga by its founder Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. She deeply embodies the internal spiritual practice of yoga as well, writing "I practice six days a week and follow the guidelines for practice as best I can from my teachers, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois in Mysore. I go back to Mysore to continue my studies and be a student at least once a year. I follow the simple vegetarian diet that my teachers recommend. I do my best to be self-reflective in everything I do, I try (not always successfully) to be a nice person all the time. I work hard at everything I do, take nothing for granted and am above nothing. I am thankful every day for my students, both the real people in my classes and the real people watching my videos and reading my books at home." She maintains the proper yogic mindset as she navigates the ancient practice of yoga in a modern application, adapting to the world as it changes. We believe as she does, that the world would be a better place if every person practiced yoga and meditation -- she has found an entrepreneurial way to do so, and has done it well. We are excited to host her, and ready to learn from her vast experience.
October 2024