The Yoga Shala now offers 20 different yoga classes, and we warmly welcome current and aspiring yoga practitioners of all levels to discover the joy of harmonic breath and movement.
If you’re looking for a beginner’s class, we offer a Yoga Basics class on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. If you want to turn up the heat and are up for a challenge, we have a variety of Power, Buti, Hatha and Vinyasa classes available every day of the week. If your body is asking for a more relaxing and restorative flow, drop in to Yin Yoga on Sundays, Relax & Restore on Mondays, Flow and Stretch on Wednesdays, or Therapeutic Yoga on Wednesdays. New Students can take advantage of all these fabulous new offerings for our special $39 for 30 days of unlimited yoga (non-ashtanga classes). That means for just a little more than a dollar a day, you can take as many yoga classes as you want for a whole month! How great does that sound? If you’re looking for something very different, very traditional, and very individualized, the Mysore program at The Yoga Shala provides the unique opportunity to explore the Ashtanga Yoga system. The owner of The Yoga Shala, Krista Shirley, was authorized to teach this style of yoga by her teacher in Mysore, India. This self-practice is based on a specific sequence of poses, taught one-on-one and hands-on by one of our dedicated Ashtanga instructors. We have a 6-class Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga course to build the foundation of your practice, no matter whether you’ve practiced 20 years or you’re trying this for the first time. As an added bonus, The Yoga Shala hosts various workshops with teachers visiting from near and far. In October, 2019, The Yoga Shala will host Harmony Slater, a certified Ashtanga yoga teacher from Canada, with a full schedule of workshops and Mysore classes. In January, 2020 the lovely Kino McGregor, another certified Ashtanga teacher, will join us for a weekend full of workshops and a Traditional Led Primary Class. In February 2020, join the owner of The Yoga Shala, Krista Shirley, on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to practice yoga for a week and explore Patagonia, South America. If you seek to immerse yourself, expand your knowledge of Ashtanga, or are maybe thinking about teaching some day, The Yoga Shala offers a 5-month Ashtanga Apprenticeship (8 weekends Friday-Sunday) with Krista Shirley, starting in March 2020. For more information about the classes, workshops, retreats, or any of our offerings, check out or follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@theyogashala).
October 2024